The different types of multi-technical maintenance

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Non classé

Preventive, corrective, or regulatory maintenance: learn to distinguish the most suitable solution to boost your company’s productivity.

What are the different types of multi-technical maintenance, and which one should I choose for my company ?

Today, multi-technical maintenance is of paramount importance to ensure the sustainability of equipment and facilities. Indeed, outsourced multi-technical maintenance is an increasingly popular solution for companies looking to optimize their costs while benefiting from the expertise of specialists. In this article, we will explore the three main types of multi-technical maintenance: preventive, corrective, and regulatory. We will also outline the selection criteria to determine which maintenance is the right choice for your company.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is a proactive approach aimed at minimizing the risks of equipment allures and extending their lifespan. it relies on planned and organized actions, such as inspection, cleaning, lubrification, and replacement of worn-out parts. The goal is to anticipate potential issues and prevent unexpected breakdowns that could lead to costly downtime and impact the company’s productivity.
The benefits of preventive maintenance include:

  • Reduction in repair and replacement costs
  • Decreased risk of unexpected breakdowns
  • Improved safety and reliability of facilities
  • Optimization of equipment lifespan

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance, also known as breakdown maintenance, comes into play when a malfunction of breakdown occurs. It involves repairing or replacing faulty equipment to restore normal operation. Corrective maintenance can be either planned following the detection of an issue preventive inspection) or unplanned (in the case of an unexpected
The advantages of corrective maintenance include:

  • Swift restoration of normal operation
  • Minimization of negative production impacts
  • Reduction in the risk of recurrent breakdowns

Regulatory maintenance (or compliance maintenance)

Regulatory maintenance is a type of maintenance that is mandatory and imposed by legislation and standards in each industry. Its aim is to ensure that equipment and installations comply with safety, hygiene, environmental, and quality requirements. Regulatory inspections and checks are conducted by specialized service providers and can include inspections, testing, measurements, and verifications.
The advantages of regulatory maintenance include:

  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Prevention of safety-related accidents and incidents
  • Environmental protection and risk management

For a business, choosing the right type of maintenance depends on various factors, including the nature of the equipment, the industry, the size of the company, and its strategic objectives. Here are some considerations to determine the best approach for your business:

Needs and Risks assessment:

Before selecting a type of maintenance, it’s essential to assess the specitic needs of the business and identify potential risks associated with each piece of equipment. This evaluation will help determine priorities and establish an appropriate maintenance program.

Costs and Cost-effectiveness:

The choice o maintenance type should also consider the direct and indirect costs associated with each option. For instance, preventive maintenance may require higher initial investments but can reduce repair costs and prevent unplanned downtime. Therefore, it’s crucial to analyze both short-term and long-term costs and strike a balance between different options.

Flexibility and adaptability:

The chosen maintenance type should also account for the flexibility and adaptability of the business. Some companies may require a more flexible approach, combining multiple types of maintenance to accommodate demand fluctuations and operational constraints. In such cases, outsourcing multi-technical maintenance can offer an advantageous solution,
leveraging specialists’ expertise while maintaining some flexibility.

Regulatory Compliance:

Finally, it’s crucial to ensure that the business complies with legal and regulatory requirements regarding maintenance. The choice of maintenance type should, therefore, include the necessary controls and actions to ensure compliance with industry-specific standards and regulations.

In conclusion, outsourced multi-technical maintenance is an effective solution to ensure the reliability, safety, and sustainability of industrial equipment. By choosing maintenance services tailored to their needs, businesses can optimize costs, improve productivity, and comply with relevant regulations.

Don’t let multi-technical maintenance become a headache for your company ! Trust Presta International, an expert in outsourced maintenance management, to provide solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today to discover how our expertise can help you optimize costs, improve equipment performance, and ensure compliance. Click here to learn more
about our services and receive a free assessment of your maintenance needs.

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